Q & A with Jennifer DeHaven: minimum wage and Vegas economy

Millenium’s CEO and President, Jennifer DeHaven, was interviewed by the Las Vegas Business Press today. She addressed big issues in the Las Vegas employment arena, including the effects of a minimum wage spike, diversification of the Vegas workforce, local education opportunities, and the area’s potential for economic growth.

One highlight from the interview was the following response to this question:

How do you handle the challenges of providing your employees with a living wage and appropriate benefits?

“It is about our responsibility to educate clients and temporary staff of what a responsible prevailing wage should be for their corresponding job. It is our job to try and always pay our workforce a wage that their skills and efforts rightly deserve.

Most of the time, pay rates for our temporary staff are determined by client companies — this is where education is key. The staffing industry is the front line of thousands of jobs in our community, and thus we know and understand thresholds, trends and the pulse of prevailing pay rates.

Benefits are still a struggle for many of our temporary employees, even with the Affordable Care Act. Millenium offers health care options for our employees, but we find that too many are still not choosing to invest in health care, even with the options we provide. I continuously hope and strive for improvement in this arena.”

DeHaven also had a lot to say about the effects an increased minimum wage could have on employment strategy and the bottom line for Nevada employers. Read the full article here.

Millenium Staffing Solutions is a Las Vegas staffing agency. Since opening in 2002, it has grown to include 5 areas of staffing expertise: Administrative/Customer Service, Conventions, Hospitality & Events, Industrial/Skilled Trades, Security Solutions, and Professional Services/Executive Search. Millenium Staffing Solutions is honored to be awarded the 2016 NV SBA Woman Owned Business of the Year.

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